This week the St. Marys Rotary Club welcomed Officer Shawn Kronenwetter of
the City of St. Marys Police Department. Shawn demonstrated the Tru-Narc
device to the Club. Awhile back the Club made a donation to the Police
Department to help them purchase the device. Shawn was the guest of Rotarian
Russ Hanes and is pictured here with Russ and Club President Fran
Levenduski. The club extends many thanks to Shawn for his visit.

This week the St. Marys Rotary Club recognized Ashlynn Schutz as the March
Student of the Month from Elk County Catholic High School. Ashlynn is
pictured with her parents Bob and Amy Schutz, along with Club President Fran
Levenduski. The club extends congratulations to Ashlynn!