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Education Highlights Second Week of Budget Hearings

With the state’s acting secretary of Education acknowledging more funding does not always lead to better student performance, members of the House Appropriations Committee questioned various aspects of the governor’s proposal to fund the state’s school districts in the next fiscal year.

During a day-long hearing with the Department of Education Monday, committee members raised concerns about some schools having budgetary reserves while others struggle to make ends meet, waiting lists for students who want to take career and technical education courses, the use of school facility improvement funding for solar projects, and proper management of pupil transportation funding.

Other hearings this week included the departments of Agriculture, Environmental Protection, State, Labor and Industry, and more.

The committee will conclude its assessment of the governor’s proposed 2025-26 state spending plan next week at hearings with the Department of Corrections and Board of Probation and Parole, Department of Human Services, and Treasury, as well as the Office of the Budget.

The governor proposed a $51.47 billion budget last month, representing a $3.57 billion, or 7.5%, increase over the current fiscal year. The proposed spending increase is significantly more than the anticipated $1.3 billion revenue increase.



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